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Sunday, 27 December 2009

Back Again!

Hi again...well it is Sunday and I said I'd be back, this is really good for me, by that I mean keeping my blog updated. I really should show this same commitment to my facebook profile!! lol

Well, Christmas was good, spent it with family. Kids loved their presents, it actually brought a tear to my eye when my son, who is only 4, opened up his main present to reveal a Nintendo Wii, he was so excited. Beginning to regret that one a little now as every waking hour he is playing Mario Kart on it, he is actually getting very good at it which we are impressed with as he has problems with coordination and fine motor skills and we were led to believe that the Wii may actually help.

Had to do a bit of work over the last couple of days, so it has not been all rest for me, also has meant no alcohol, as I have been driving. I've actually been very good food wise aswell, haven't over done it too much!

Went to church today....remember the one....St Augustine's in Canterbury ( I have to say the church looked very nice with the Christmas decorations. I managed to follow more of the service this time, so I am getting better, I even rembered to kneel when receiving my blessing this time! At one stage I did notice some passers by looking in through the window, I wonder what they thought, and did I look like a professional to them??? It would have been nice if they had come in to join us....maybe they will one day.

I have learnt that as Christians we are still in the Christmas period, it is known as Octave and is a period of 8 days including Christmas Day itself (think I am right in saying this....feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). So, it is perfectly acceptable to still say Happy Christmas to each other, you don't have to start saying Happy New Year just yet!! The Christmas festivities carry on for a little while after Christmas Day in our family in any case, as the extended family get together at various points between Christmas Day and the New let the celebrations continue!

The Bishop's sermon today was centered on learning from your teachers and listening to what they have to say. This is very true in life. Obviously God is our teacher, and it should be our intention to learn from Him in order that we may live our lives as true christians. The bible, although it is a book, is also a teacher, as much can be learnt from it. Our priests (or in my case Bishop) are teachers and we can learn from them. But don't forget we are also our own teachers and each others always listen to what each other has to say.

Bishop Damien very kindly gave me a present today. I opened it when I got home and found that it is a book called 'Praying the Jesus Prayer Together' by Brother Ramon and Simon Barrington-Ward. This gift was a very kind and much appreciated one. This book appears to promise a very interesting and inspiring read, and will hopefully help even more on my spritual, Bishop Damien, thank you so very much!

Anyway, this is enough for today (or I should say yesterday, as it has now past midnight). I will return soon....until then 'HAPPY CHRISTMAS'!!!!

Wednesday, 23 December 2009


Well hello! This is my very first posting on my new blog.

I've decided to have a blog as many people have said that I should, I keep meaning to keep some sort of diary about my life, the good, the bad and the this may be a way of me doing it.

Right now I am on a is a strange but interesting one, one that I thought would not happen to me, but it is happening and there is not much I can do to stop it, nor do I really want to stop, for now, I am going with the flow and I'll see where it leads.

A little about me.

I am 32 years old, married and have two children. I believe that I have been 'called' by God, and I very strongly believe that this calling is to the priesthood. Let's get one thing straight, I am probably one of the least most likely candidates that you could expect for this. I have never been a regular church-goer, and am not a perfect person by any means, so I have found it very difficult to accept that there is a plan for me.

Yes, I believe in God (always have done), and yes, I do pray (regularly over the last year), I was baptised as a child, but have never been confirmed. I consider myself a Christian, but am the first to admit that I am far from the biggest question I have is: Why me?

I was called on Christmas Eve 2006, but at the time did not really act on it, instead pushed it to the back of my mind, thinking that I must be mad or whatever. Constantly though there was a very annoying niggling in my heart and mind, but I couldn't quite place it, so to speak.

Then in November 2007 I had a very strange and somewhat spooky experience which kind of gave me a kick up the backside, and at this point I began to pray on a daily basis. I have been praying for answers, for clarity and most importantly, some kind of direction.

That direction was given to me via google! They do say that God works in mysterious ways! About 3 weeks ago I was messing around on my laptop and did a google search for something, and I have no idea of what I entered into the search field. In my list of search results the number 1 position was given to the Anglican Catholic Church. At this stage I had never heard of them, so I clicked onto the link for their website and was intriged! Something had pointed me in their direction and I was looking for answers.

I contacted the Bishop Ordinary for the Diocese of the United Kingdom, The Rt Revd Damien Mead, and he very quickly responded to my e-mail. It turned out that we live very close to each other so he invited me to visit him for an informal chat.

I visited Bishop Mead one evening at his home and instantly felt at ease in his presence. He was very warm and welcoming (as was the log fire). We had a coffee and a chat during which I described my calling and the experiences and feelings since. Bishop Mead was very supportive and understanding, it felt good to be able to share my thoughts with someone who understood these things. He gave me some words of advice and also gave me some clarity on the 'why me' situation. We prayed together and then he gave me a couple of editions of the Diocese magazine and the ACC newspaper, and I said that I felt that I wanted to attend church on the following Sunday, which I did.

So, on Sunday 13th December 2009, I travelled from home to my local Anglican Catholic Church which is the Church of St Augustine of Canterbury. The church can be found in Best Lane, Canterbury, which is just off of the High Street.

The church, at one stage in the past was a chapel and had since been used as other things, including as a bridal shop! More recently it was recalled as a place of worship and is now St Augustine's.

On arrival I observed that it is a very small church, and certainly not like the grand buildings of many other denominations out there! However, to me at least, there was something special, I got a gut feeling of soemthing just being right. Once inside it was very easy to identify it as a church.

The Bishop is also the Rector at St Augustine's, and as I had arrived shortly before Morning Prayers I was met by both him and Roy, who acts as Altar Server. I observed (and took part to the best of my novice ability) in Morning Prayers. After this there was time for some quiet reflection whilst I awaited the time for Mass and arrival of more members of the congregation.

Members duly arrived and introduced themselves, we all awaited the commencement of the service.

The service was conducted and I muddled my way along....I'm sure that God will let me off of my mistakes bearing in mind that I'm new at this!

After the service we had coffee (and biscuits!!) and a bit of a chat. Everyone was most welcoming to the newbie, and I felt very much at ease. It made me want to go back. Bishop Mead also kindly lent me a copy of a book by the ACC's Archbishop, The Most Revd Mark Haverland. The book is about Anglican Catholic Faith & Practice, currently I am half way through it. I also helped myself to various leaflets available in church. The Anglican Catholic Church practices Catholic Faith, Orthodox Worship and Apostolic it does (and will) take some getting used to....but I feel that this is the 'right' way for me.

Due to work commitments I was unable to make it last Sunday, and due to work/family commitments over Christmas I will not be able to attend. However, God willing, I will be back next until then............................................................