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Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Come in, come in....there's room for you all!

Another blog posting on time....what is this going to do for my reputation? At this rate I think that I am likely to be offered a job on the Swiss railway, after all, they are renowned for their superb time keeping abilities!

It was time to visit the barbers again this morning before going to Canterbury. I decided to try a Turkish barbers in Castle Street in Ashford (near the tank to any locals) called Koko. I have to say that they have done a pretty good job. I don't know what it is about the Turkish, but give them a razor and away they go. Nice clean lines and an even finish....listen to me....I sound like a cross between Nicky Clarke and Jason Gardiner!! They are about the best barbers that I have found in Ashford, so I'll be using them again.

I also dug out my suit from the wardrobe and took it to the dry much to clean a suit???????????????? I only wanted to have it cleaned and pressed, I didn't want to actually buy the place! Still, it will be ready for my confirmation, so at least I should look smart. As a rule I hate wearing ties...but I suppose I'll make the exception then.

There were a few more faces at church today. Firstly their was a guy called Colin, his brother goes to Our Lady of Walsingham & St Francis, which is our church in Rochester. Colin came along today with another gentleman whose name I can't remember (sorry).

We also attracted 3 other people. Two were together and initially came in to have a look at our little church and they decided to stay for mass. The third lady who came in said that she is becoming disillusioned with the Church of England, and is therefore possibly looking for something else. They are all welcome, and we hope that they will return again.

Of course, many people are becoming disillusioned with the CofE, this can be for a wide range of reasons, the most common does seem to be the issue of women priests though. The ACC does not have women priests, and therefore this makes us a possible alternative. many people believe that the only available alternative to the Anglican church (CofE, etc) is the Roman Catholic church. This is not the case. The ACC is a kind of mix between the two, and I believe a very REAL alternative and a great church to be part of.

We are very small in this country at the moment, but we really do have something great to offer. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, gender or colour. All we ask of you is to come in through the door. There will be no pressure, no uneasiness, just a warm and genuine welcome. What's more is that if you stick around after mass then we'll even through in a free cup of tea or coffee, and maybe even a biscuit or two...if you're really lucky and Roy has purcahsed them then they may even be the particularly tasty fairtrade chocolate biscuits. I think that they are from Oxfam...and no...they are not secondhand before anyone makes that comment!!

After mass today I mentioned to Bishop Damien that I want to get hold of a crucifix to put on my wall at home, and so I asked him where I could buy one. He told me that there is a Catholic shop near St Thomas Catholic Church, and he believed that they were open as we spoke. Off I trotted and arrived at the shop. Despite the opening hours sign advising that the shop was open at the time of my was not, the shop was closed....all that walking for nothing! Instead I decided to use the internet when I arrived home. I have now ordered an olive wood crucifix made in the Holy Land, according the the description it is the '14 stations type', so-called because it is crafted out of 14 pieces of olive wood. When it arrives I'll take it to church and ask the Bishop to bless it. I'll then have fun hanging it from on my wall at home....I live in a new build house, with plasterboard walls, any diy-er will know what I mean here!! Now where did I put the buildings insurance policy???

This coming Sunday will be the second Sunday in that must make it Lent 2, I really should be a detective with skills like that! It will also be class two of the confirmation classes.

So, in case you're thinking of coming along to find out what we're about here is a summary for you for the next week:

Sunday - Mass at 11am - Followed by tea & coffee (oh, and Roy, we need more biscuits!) - Followed by confirmation class 2 at 1.30pm.

Wednesday - Mass at 12pm - Followed by tea & coffee - Followed by Stations of the Cross at 2pm (I think that's right, the Bishop will correct me if I'm wrong!!)

Take care...................

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