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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Sky's the limit!!!

Finally I'm back online! I have had some problems with my broadband since Sunday evening, the problem being that there seemed to be no connection, my wireless router was deteceting several networks, the problem being that none of them were mine!

Several telephone calls to Sky and their technical team, and they were still telling me to reset my router....for the 400th time! I finally managed to speak to someone in the technical solutions team who said that they would arrange for an OpenReach engineer to come out. Well, they turned up today and solved the problem...but now the caller id on our home phone displays but omits the first digit. I even dialled 1471 and the network message tells me the last number which called, but also omits the first digit...very strange!

Anyway, more calls to Sky, and yet more conversations with their 'lack of knowledge technical team'...and I managed to achieve nothing! Only to be passed through to the technical solutions people who said "leave it with us and we'll sort it out", no explanation as to when though...I give up!!!!!!

Enough ranting....onto the other stuff.

Last Sunday was Easter 2, also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. The Bishop's sermon made great emphasis that we, as humans, are very much like sheep. I don't think that it means that we taste good with mint sauce! it means that we have to be led, guided, herded and protected, otherwise we can get 'lost'. We are also subject to potential danger and attack, namely from the Devil. Sheep are also prone to attack, namely by foxes. The devil is very much like a fox, cunning and sly, he will use every trick in the book to get what he wants, so we have to be one step ahead of himm all of the time. As 'sheep' we can do this by doing as our shepherd says, never letting the shepherd out of our sight. Who is our shepherd? You've guessed it...Our Lord!! He is the shepherd that promises to look after and protect his flock, we just have to promise to follow him and trust him. I'm following my shepherd, because I don't fancy getting attacked by the fox...are you in the flock or out to graze on your own constantly worried about when and how the fox will get you?

We also had two new faces in church today. They were a couple of young guys, they were there for the entire service but left afterwards, so didn't stay for tea & coffee. Hopefully they'll be back soon, and maybe we can get to speak to them and let them know that we don't bite...simply because sheep don't have a particualrly good bite!!!

The Bishop also gave me a gift. It was another book about learning to serve at the altar. There is a lot of Latin in it, but it lays out how things should be done. It is actually very well written and it's in an easy to read style (excluding the Latin!!).

Nothing exciting has happened over the last couple of days, so I can quickly move on to today's events.

It was mass at 12 noon today. This gave me time to pop into town with my wife before I caught the train to Canterbury. We needed to get a birthday card for Ethan, as he will be 5 on Saturday, which is also the day of the Diocesan Synod.

Today was also the day that my father-in-law had his second operation at Kings College Hospital in London. It went well, and he is recovering well, apart from having a sore throat as a result of the anaesthetic equipment I believe.

Mass went well today and afterwards we had tea and coffee as usual.

The Bishop and I had lunch together today as we had some things to chat about, including me asking for directions to Synod, as I have agreed to get there a little earlier to help set up.

After lunch we went for a short walk and then said our farewells until Saturday.

I walked back to the station with the intention of catching the train due at 16.35hrs, but this was cancelled. So I had to wait for the next one which was due at 17.04hrs, but arrived at 17.10hrs. I found out that the delays and cancellations were due to an incident in the Orpington area. Sadly there ahd been a fatality on the line. A person was hit by a train at about 14.30hrs, this is what is known as a 'one under'. Police are not treating it as suspicious. 'Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them'. My thoughts and prayers are not only with the loved ones of the person, but also with the driver of the train, who I know will be going through a very tough time right now.

Lots of people were complaining about the delays, it saddens me that they can't understand the bigger picture.

Depending on what time that I get home on Saturday then I may get an update on here about my first Synod! I'm actually quite looking forward to it. It will also give me a chnace to meet some of the others within our church, both members and clergy. I'll be able to put some faces to names!

Of course any update will be subject to Sky!!

Fratus tuus in Christo.

That's Latin for.................answers on a postcard please!! A free cup of tea and a biscuit after mass awaits the first person with the correct answer...but to claim your prize you'll have to attend church!!

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