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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Where did I put my sunglasses???

My father-in-law is well and truly home now, and I think that my mother-in-law was enjoying the peace and quiet whilst he was in hospital! He has said that he feels quite well, and he is able to use his left hand better than he has been able to for about 2 years. He has got to go for an outpatients appointment on Friday, so they will probably adjust the settings slightly on his gadget!

It was back to church today, and what a lovely bright day it has been. It is nice to experience the sunshine, and lately with have done well with it, although it is all set to change for this weekend...typical, what with it being bank holiday weekend!

Anyway, I caught the train to Canterbury today, and proceeded to a shop to buy some biscuits for church. These were not just any biscuits, they were chocolate coated Hob that is a REAL biscuit, I believe that they were specifically designed for their dunkability factor! You can hold them in the cup of tea or coffee all day and they still wont deposit themselves to the bottom of the cup!!!

I arrived today at the same time as Margaret and Laurence. Margaret had a lot of flowers with her, as she is our church flower arranger. As she arranged the flowers (and made a mess on the floor) Laurence started with the Dyson. When Margaret had finished I helped clear up the aforementioned mess, and then I was released with the Dyson.....I wont let my wife know that I know how to use one though!

During mass today I had a go at playing the part of Server, or I should say that I played the part of a part-time, part-Server...basically I just assisted with the cruets, etc. I'm told that I did quite well...even Danny didn't point out if I made any mistakes!! It was a start....and from every seed................

Jennifer's brother joined us for tea, coffee and Hob Nobs today, as it was his birthday and Jennifer was taking him out to lunch after she finished at church.

Bishop Damien gave Jennifer, Laurence and I a confirmation gift each today. He apologised that they were late, only they hadn't been delivered to him. We each received a book by C S Lewis called Mere Christianity. I'm really starting to build quite a theological library, anyone would think that I want to be a priest!!!

After we had finished Bishop Damien and I went for lunch at a local cafe. I had a rather tasty prawn baguette, the Bishop went for a ham one (I think with cheese and pickles). We washed them down with a couple of lattes each. We had a chat about the Synod, and what I thought of it, as it was my first. We also spoke about my son who has autism. The Bishop has contacted his autism specialist at his company Credo Care, to see if she is able to offer us any tips or advise on certain particular issues we have. His understanding ear and support really is much appreciated. It's not very often in life that you meet someone like that, it restores one's faith in humanity and it clearly shows that God made the right choice when he called Bishop damien to His service. I'm still trying to work out why He called me though....but hey....I've worked out that it is pointless trying to argue or fight it!

That's more or less it for today, but wait....what's this?? I've found my sunglasses!! Oh no, just watched the weather forecast....maybe I'll just put them back in the drawer!!

Until next where did I put the umbrella?????

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