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Sunday, 4 April 2010

What a week!! Alleluia...Christ has risen!

I know that I said that I would post again last Wednesday, but I do have a kind of excuse as to why that didn't happen.

Thanks to Sky, my broadband connection was not, shall we say, connected! It has a habit of playing up every now and again, which results in me phoning Sky every so often, threatening to leave them and them offering me some mad deal to stay. As a rule this happens every 3 or so months. If you are ever having problems with Sky just telephone their customer services team, say that you are thinking of leaving and ask to be put through to the 'Turnaround Team'. Their job is to get you to stay and it really is quite good what they can offer. If your Sky box ever goes wrong and is outside of warranty do not pay for an engineer visit, just phone them and say you'll leave, and guess what? That's right, they'll send an engineer (and replace your box) for free!! Don't be afriad to ask what they will do to keep you as a customer!

Anyway, Wednesday was church as usual, nothing out of the ordinary, except of course, that it was Holy Week. After mass we had Stations of the Cross, bidded our farewells and went on our ways.

Thursday was Maundy Thursday. This was the day that the Lord had the Last Supper with His disciples. This was also the day that Judas betrayed him, which led to his arrest. It was also the day that Peter denied knowing Christ three times before the cock crowed. It was the Last Supper that laid down the foundations for Holy Communion, when we share in the body and blood of Christ.

There was a church service at 7pm, so I arranged to finish work a little earlier to ensure that I would be able to attend. The service itself provoked much thought in me, I found it quite moving. Towards the end of the service the blessed sacrament is taken to the area which was specially set up, known as the Garden (or altar) of Repose. This is to represent the garden in which Christ was when he was arrested. The idea of this is to provide a kind of focus point for us to be able to feel even closer to Christ, and to be able to concentrate, meditate or just simply think about the sacrifice that he was to make for us.

I found this very moving, and in a strange way I could almost sense his pain. Not the actual pain of his crucifixtion, but the emotional pain that he must have experienced, knowing what was to come. I am not afraid of dying, what I am afraid of is the physical pain that may be part of that process. I get somewhat uncomfortable if I know that I have got to have an injection, so the anticipation of pain to come is something that I can associate with and in no way relish! When lloking at the Garden of Repose I was certainly experiencing that emotional pain of things to come...and I'll be hurt. Not in the physical way of course, but in my mind, my heart and my soul. Jesus did this for me and for you and for everyone. I think that you'll agree, it makes our own personal problems seem rather insignificant!

We each left in silence when we felt ready to go. Outside of the church into the hustle and bustle of Canterbury at night. Everyone carrying on as normal, to me it just didn't seem right somehow.

The next day was Good Friday. I took a day off of work so that i could attend church. Fair enough I lost a day's money, but this sacrifice of mine was nothing compared to the sacrifice that Jesus made for me! The service was different to those that I had previously experienced, but of course I had never been to church on Good Friday before. This was the day that Christ was crucified for us, he gave his life so that we may be saved. The service was strange in a way, it was sombre, but also rather uplifting. This may not make much sense to you reading this, but to me it makes perfect sense.

After the service we had the usual tea, coffee and chat.

Saturday evening was the Vigil. I was unable to attend this due to work, but I really wanted to be able to be there. Sadly, if I don't work then I don't earn any money, so I can't always do what I really want to do.

Sunday....Easter Day....Alleluia....Christ has risen!

So, that is today. It has been a big day for me in two ways. Firstly, it being Easter Day is a real cause for celebration!! Christ rose from the tomb after the third day! It was also today that I was confirmed.

Debbie (my wife) came with me to church today to witness me being confirmed, I was pleased that she agreed to be part of this important day to me!

Before mass, Margaret was formally received into the ACC which was great. Then the service started and Jennifer, Laurence and I were confirmed. It seemed to go without a hitch, and yes, we did each receive the slap on the face! Thankfully I don't think the Bishop had his weetabix this morning, as the slap was very gentle!!

We then continued with mass and us newly confirmed all received Holy Communion today!! To me it is very symbolic that I should be confirmed on Easter Day, as it was the day that Christ rose again and to be represents a new chapter in my life, the beginning of the next stage in my spiritual development.

There were quite a few people in church today, including two ACC members from America (living in Germany at the moment), who are in Canterbury on holiday and have therefore joined us for services throughout Holy Week. It was great to meet them and talk with them both. I hope to see them again sometime and will include them (Mike and Nicole) in my prayers. Mike is in the US Army, so I particularly pray that he remain safe thoughout his career, escpecially in light of the current problems in the world.

After mass we had tea, coffee, bisuits, bucks fizz, simnel cake, chocolate bunnies and creme eggs...I think that was about it!!! It was like a little party, the only thing missing was the party hats and the streamers!!

Debbie said to me that she liked everyone, she particualrly liked the Bishop, saying how 'normal' he seemed...I don't quite know what she was expecting. She also commented that she liked his sermon, although she felt that the service was rather long. I've now got her through the door once, so maybe again one day!!!!!!

After we left church I took Debbie for lunch at a local Indian restaurant. It was rather tasty...I think that I shall definately go there again, maybe I'll even take Debbie with me!

After that we caught the train back to Headcorn and drove to Smarden, which is where Debbie's parents live, as they were looking after the little urchins!!

There will be no mass on Wednesday, so i doubt that there will be any posting on here, but you never know what will happen over the next couple of days. Something may happen to inspire me to write something. If not it will be next Sunday that I'll write soemthing else.

Below is a photo of the three of us who were confirmed, together with the Bishop.

Left to Right: Laurence, Jennifer, Rt Revd Damien Mead (Bishop) and finally, me! Until next time...HAPPY EASTER!

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