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Monday, 12 April 2010

Still on a high but it's actually a Low!

I's a day in late last night and was a bit too tired to write anything then.

Anyway, yesterday, Sunday 11th April 2010, was Low Sunday. It is the first Sunday after Easter and is so called Low Sunday because it follows the 'high' of Easter.

Christians are very much an Easter people and the height of the Eastertide period is obviously Easter Day, however, as with all major Christian feasts their is a period following the main event where celebrations continue. It good be said that we are constantly celebrating Easter, in fact every Sunday is like a mini-Easter in particular...does this mean that we can have Easter eggs every Sunday???? I'll have to check with Bishop Damien!!!

Yesterday was a little quieter in church, so in a way it seemed quite fitting that it was Low Sunday. I should imagine that many churches are similar, lots of people turning up for the main event then fading away afterwards. I know that Mike and Nicole (our American friends have a valid excuse), but it would be nice to see a few more people following the course so to speak. Maybe we should introduce a loyalty card scheme, after all it works for the likes of Tesco!!! Not sure what we could give away though...maybe a small bottle of Holy water on every 10th visit. Mind you we do offer a direct line to God, quality worship and friendship, so maybe we don't need any over reward system...and don't forget the tea, coffee and biscuits!

Bishop Damien was talking to me after mass about getting me trained as an Altar Server. This will be good as it will kind of be the next step in my journey, and I think will give me a good basis for following my calling. Obviously I have a long way to go, including formally applying for Holy Orders and being approved by the Board of Ministry, but I pray every day that this will become a reality. I only hope that when the right time approaches that the Board approve me, with the guidance of God of course.

I've got quite a week ahead of me now. Tomorrow (Tuesday), my father-in-law goes into Kings College Hospital in London as he is to have neurosurgery on Wednesday to help treat/control his Parkinsons Disease. The first part of the operation which entails putting some sort of implant into the brain takes 7 hours and has to be done whilst he is awake. A few days later another operation is needed to put another implant into the chest, this one controls/sends signals to the one in the brain and should result in control of the shaking associated with the disease. My father-in-law is getting quite nervous and worried now, so can I ask anyone reading this to please pray for him (john) and his wife Ann.

Also on Wednesday my son has got to go to hospital to have a special multi-disciplinary assessment to try to establish whether or not he has autism (ASD), and if so, to what extent. We have been in a battle with the system to get to this stage for about 2 years. ASD in this country seems to be widely ignored by the healthcare system, yet early diagnosis is key to successful management and necessary to try and prevent associated problems as the sufferer gets older. Hopefully we will get an answer on the day. So please also pray for Ethan...thanks!

So, needless to say I wont be in church on Wednesday, but I will try and post something on here to let you know how the day has gone.

Well, that's about it for now, as I must get some sleep, as I have to be up early for work in the morning.

Until next time...I think I might just have a little Easter egg before bed...too late, I think my daughter has eaten all of hers AND MINE!!

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